NOV. 18, 2023
It's time for Countdown to Christmas! On November 18, join the Kimberley and District Chamber of Commerce in a late night shop event at more than 20 participating businesses in downtown Kimberley and Marysville. Businesses will be open until 9 pm so let's get out there and shop local for the holidays!
Participating businesses:
Arrow & Axe Mountain Grass Gallery & Bistro
Art Gallery Kimberley (The Laundromat) My Best Friend's Closet
Bavarian Home Hardware OU Olive Oils
Bellwether Curated Home Over Time Beer Works
Big Magic Design Purcell Outdoors
Black Dog Cycle & Ski Sprout Health Market
Grow Cake & Chocolate Talaria Footwear & Adornment
Healing Hollow The Grater Good
Kimberley Kritters Travelling Top-Ups Mobile Refillery **
Missy Hay Collective Treehouse Toy Co.
Moody Bee Tumbled Earth
** This mobile business will set up shop at Sprout Health Market for the evening.
There will also be a gift wrap by donation station at Mountain Grass Gallery & Bistro at 349 Spokane Street.
And this year, shop local and win big! Make a purchase at any of the Countdown to Christmas participating businesses between November 18 and December 2 and enter to win a $1,000 shopping spree! Check out the Kimberley Chamber of Commerce shop local page for more details.
